mover flyer
mover flyer


Pre-A1 to A2 Young Learners

Therearethreeactivity-basedtests–Starters,MoversandFlyers.ThisgivesstudentsaclearpathtoimproveinEnglishandtopreparethemforfuture ...

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Cambridge English Qualifications for young learners

Discover the joy of learning English with Cambridge English Qualifications for young learners – explore the Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers, and A2 Flyers exams.

Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers, A2 Flyers

The Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers, A2 Flyers exams are designed to assess the English language skills of children aged between seven and twelve.

Pre-A1 to A2 Young Learners

There are three activity-based tests – Starters, Movers and Flyers. This gives students a clear path to improve in English and to prepare them for future ...

Starters, Movers, Flyers

Chứng chỉ quốc tế Cambridge cấp độ Starters, Movers và Flyers do Hội đồng Khảo thí Tiếng Anh ĐH Cambridge tổ chức thi và cấp bằng dành cho học sinh từ 7 đến 12 ...

YLE Flyers 詳細介紹

測驗包含學童在此級數中所應熟悉的語言主題並檢測其以英語做聽丶說丶讀丶寫有效溝通的技能。Cambridge English: Movers是建立學童英語技能和持續進步的最有效方式。當學童 ...

YLE Movers 詳細介紹

Cambridge English: Movers是建立學童英語技能和持續進步的最有效方式。當學童完成此階段的學習及取得理想的評量成績便可朝向最高的第三個級數Cambridge English: Flyers ...


總共有三種以活動為基礎的測驗– Starters、Movers及Flyers。這讓學生有一條增進英語能力的清楚道路。 現在在香港、墨西哥和義大利等越來越多國家,也可以使用桌上型 ...


Movers, Flyers. Word List Picture Book. 單字列表(Word List). 模擬試題(Sample Paper), Vol.1, Vol.1, Vol.1. 口說影片, Paolo · Sole · Michaela. 口說影片2, Tommaso ...


考試分為三個級別— 基礎考試第一級(Pre A1 Starters)、第二級(A1 Movers)、第三級(A2 Flyers),以便學童了解進度,增強學習動機。 ... 劍橋英語:基礎考試第二級(A1 ...


DiscoverthejoyoflearningEnglishwithCambridgeEnglishQualificationsforyounglearners–explorethePreA1Starters,A1Movers,andA2Flyersexams.,ThePreA1Starters,A1Movers,A2FlyersexamsaredesignedtoassesstheEnglishlanguageskillsofchildrenagedbetweensevenandtwelve.,Therearethreeactivity-basedtests–Starters,MoversandFlyers.ThisgivesstudentsaclearpathtoimproveinEnglishandtopreparethemforfuture ...,Chứngchỉquố...